Which one if any should I pay back?Based on this article, you should be receiving the $600 a week.Not all salaried employees are golden! People asked about PUA and earnings, and if PUA will continue should earnings be higher than the benefit threshold (such as in California), yet they you say that without a $1 in regular UI benefits, then FPUC will cease.so…one of my employees normally makes $1000/wk, he was reduced by 10% (4 hours). I am making about $1100 gross at my one job which according to this article is less than 25% of 450. I wonder if anyone else in Florida has received the $600 FPUC. I was a 40 hour per week employee, and paid biweekly. How to get this issue to our Governors to fix? So I filled for partial unemployment thinking I could at least get the 600$. Thank you so much if someone could answer :)When you’re already living paycheck-to-paycheck losing $400 plus a month is a lotMy hours were cut due to COVID-19 and I filed for an unemployment claim… I was told that I had to certify for benefits on 04/20/20.
Virginia keeps sending out emails that are wrong, and then accidentally paid $600 to some people before that program started. In AZ you have to make less than $240/week to qualify. Approved for two weeks, then denied for “Excessive Earnings.”I don’t know if Tim got anywhere, but I have just resolved to do everything in my power to keep my hours under 10 per week so I can qualify. But even if you get $1 of regular or PUA unemployment you will get the $600Ok AZDES, if you are having so many issues then why do your reps tell people on the phone that…You would need to make less than $450 a week to qualify for any unemployment benefits, plus the $600 stimulus.I’ve seen some people getting the SBA loan ad the PPP needs to start paying employee. She recently applied for unemployment due to her hours being reduced from 40 to 24. You have to report ALL income sources. God forbid I could get through to the unemployment on the phone but it’s always busy no matter how many times I call them. There’s no one to complain too cause no one understands they think I’m just upset about losing my unemployment I could give a dam about that unemployment. I’m hoping if they get enough complaints maybe they will take care of us in the next stimulus.Unemployment is normally not designed to replace your normal wage income (or there would be no motivation to return to work). Will I still be paid for the three weeks I was eligible for the extra $600? I’m in the same situation however I just got back to work (super limited hours and even those hours are not guaranteed) and it’s not clear to me if I can’t exceed my maximum weekly benefits (which is in my case less than 275$) or can’t exceed the maximum state benefit of 275$ in order to receive federal ? I was collecting $112.00 a week UI benefits from CTDOL plus the $600.00 FPUC payment. They didn’t think about us.