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50+ videos Play all Mix - Expectations vs. Reality . So let me give you the “Low-Down” on how my reality aligns with expectations. Savoring what you have is a great way to expand the joy you experience in life.Don't beat yourself up for feeling disappointment; however, try comparing yourself to others who have less, not more. These are our beliefs, hopes and dreams for the future.

Becoming aware of what you "should" be expecting is also a wise idea.When you see others' posts on social media and decide that you want what you see, remind yourself that this may not be reality. Our perspective of what others have is limited; they do not have the lives we perceive.Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.It's important to take a deeper look into how your expectations stack up to reality (and how your mood is affected because of this). 0:14. This formula therefore suggests that our reality needs to be equally balanced with our expectations.

This helps you to be more appreciative of what you have.A problem with expectations was made famous by the Charles Dickens novel, "Great Expectations." The main character, Pip, inherits money from a secret benefactor. He views this fortune as a stepping stone to marrying the girl of his dreams. This study can also remind us, however, of how easy it is to let our thoughts color our enjoyment of what we actually have.Finally, our expectations can get the better of us when we expect more than what is realistic in a given situation.
Becoming more aware of your expectations and how they change your feelings toward your own reality can free you from disappointment and stress that comes from unrealistic expectations.When he ultimately learned that the money was not necessarily part of that larger plan, he realized that he had taken for granted so many important relationships and gifts in his life. A problem with expectations was made famous by the Charles Dickens novel, "Great Expectations." reality vs expectations reality wont be changed express your sorrows universe doesnt care what you expect expectations fail. Daily Dosage Subscribe Unsubscribe 631. This highlights that there is a clear difference between expectations and reality.Sorry,people cannot create reality based on experience.Reality is reality. Our expectations for our lives may be unrealistic and skewed based on what we think others have. The main character, Pip, inherits money from a secret benefactor. 16 Apr 2019 … It's okay to want more, but you can enjoy life so much more if you appreciate what you already have. You may find that once you get over the disappointment, you have something you didn't initially realize you wanted. At the same time, it can also rob you of joy, especially when you expect things to come more easily than they do or in a different way. Expectations are those that we consider as possible and likely to occur. Reality: Action Movies YouTube FORTNITE The Movie (Official Fake Trailer) - Duration: 8:47. nigahiga 36,425,705 views For instance, if you work a job you hate to save enough to buy an expensive car or nice clothes, you may find that your happiness is not very long-lasting.There was an error. Becoming aware of what you are expecting is a great start. Expectations vs. It's great to know what direction you want things to go in, but don't forget that what you see isn't necessarily what others are actually living. A Fun Waste Of Champagne. Reality" meme perfect sums up how it feels when we think things are going to go a certain way, only to find out that no, everything is still hilariously awful. We may not even realize this mismatched comparison.This is an interesting study that can remind us all to try to savor our chocolate (and lives) more, and perhaps to try not to remind ourselves of what we don't have. How an imperfect being perceives it is proof it is not reality.If I believe I am Bill Gates equal it still is not reality,as I am not!• Expectations can be defined as those that are regarded as likely to happen.• Expectations refer to individual’s imagination of things.Coming from Engineering cum Human Resource Development background, has over 10 years experience in content developmet and management.• Our realities influence our expectations to be positive or else negative in life and also our expectations can influence our reality. expectations.

The more we can get them in balance, then the happier, more content, accepting or peaceful, we are likely to be. Reality -vs- Expectations. Read on for a healthy dose of reality that is guaranteed to make you laugh instead of cry.