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First Obama is no longer president of USA. Grant was considered the seventh-worst president in U.S. history just a few … He is hoping to take up another five year term as Kenya goes back to the ballot in 2017.Narendra Modi is India’s Prime Minister and second most popular leader on Facebook. He studied German and Law at St. Petersburg State University in Germany and fluently speaks the language. Donald Trump is named as the president whose first year in office was the worst followed by Andrew Johnson and George W. Bush. The remaining places within the Top 10 are often rounded out by Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, and John F. Kennedy. He has always been a much talked about person because of his career as a television persona and an efficacious business man. These people who count as leaders have usually, stood for the rights of the people. He was introduced into the world of politics when he started working for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or RSS, a Hindu right-wing nationalist organization at the age of 8. I think president Duterte should be place in no 1 spot. Here are the top 10 most popular presidents of 2019 in the world who are most powerful leaders.Nigerian President and Commander in Chief Muhammadu Buhari became the first opposition leader to successfully run for presidency in Nigeria and win. He was elected president on May 30, 2016 defeating his closest rival by a whopping 6.6 million votes.It’s about our prime minister Narendra Modi Ji you have written something very wrong he was not the Prime minister after indian free from British…he is our current PM(with due respect)…The presidential system of is the most popular system of rule applied in most countries the world over. For one to successfully run for presidency, they must be able to speak to the public on issues that directly concern them.

He is widely regarded as China’s most powerful and influential leader since Deng Xiaoping.Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is Republic of Kenya’s fourth president, having taken over from President Mwai Kibaki in 2013. he unsuccessfully ran for the seat in 2002, losing to Kibaki but he would later link up with prominent and equally popular William Ruto as his running mate and win the 2013 general elections. The movie was about a planned assassination of ‘’Kim Jong Un’’.Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is the seventh president of the Asian nation. Even though what makes a good president is subjective, the intelligence and prowess needed to have a country’s future at the palm of one’s hands is one of the most powerful jobs but also the most scrutinized and closely observed. Someone from Gallup may also contact you via email about your interest in this topic.What does this mean for U.S. influence abroad for the next year of Trump's presidency?Discover how people in more than 130 countries and areas rated U.S. leadership during President Donald Trump's second year in office -- and how the global image of U.S. leadership compares with the leadership of Germany, China and Russia.Global leaders can download this report to compare how people view the leadership of major countries, so they can know what the people are thinking and then choose to do what they think is right.And while it's not yet clear whether it's a success or failure, Trump's foreign policy of "America First" in its second year may have opened the door for China and Russia to flex their global influence.By clicking the button below, you consent to having your information processed, transferred, and possibly stored on servers that reside in the United States.The global approval rating of U.S. leadership sits at its lowest level for any of the past three U.S. administrations. He however strongly declined.I don’t believe this article. and Second; actually he is puppet president. He once threatened to eject from the UN and form other alliances with China and Africa. The best candidate will understand the urgency of restoring U.S. leadership throughout the world, in respectful concert with democratic allies from Mexico and Canada to …