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The significantly discriminated species of penguins can be the rockhopper and the macaroni penguins. Our coloring pages are free and classified by theme, simply choose and print your drawing to color for hours!We have coloring pages for all ages, for all occasions and for all holidays. Penguin Profile. According to the IUCN Red List, their conservation statuses range from Least Concerned through to Endangered.The emperor penguin has the largest body mass of all penguins, which further reduces relative surface area and heat loss. In the extreme cold of the Antarctic winter, the females are at sea fishing for food leaving the males to brave the weather by themselves. The brown plumage extends from the head to the throat and chest.Emperor penguin has a beautiful extensive yellow patch on each side of the head with a black head, chin, and throat.The chicks of the little penguins have brown plumage.Penguin’s chick has an unlike color when compared to the adult penguins. When hunting they sometimes go out alone. They often huddle together to keep warm and rotate positions to make sure that each penguin gets a turn in the centre of the heat pack. Penguins are flightless, aquatic birds that spend half their lives in water, and on land. Mostly the color of the penguins may be brown or grey.Yellow-eyed penguin’s chicks have brown plumage all over the body.Little penguin has a blue plumage and that is why it is also called blue penguins. The bill of Adelie penguin has brown coloration in the pointed edge. Penguins either waddle on their feet or slide on their bellies across the snow while using their feet to propel and steer themselves, a movement called "tobogganing", which conserves energy while moving quickly. Penguins are … The coloration depends on the species. During this process, the penguins look scruffy with the patches of lost old feathers with tiny new plumage.The chinstrap penguin has a black crown and white face which is different from other penguins.

But, there is some distinct coloration along with the black and white body respective to the species. They have pink webbed feet and a long tail.The Adelie chicks are found to be in brown plumage and some appear to be in grey and brown combination.The Humboldt and Magellanic penguins are temperate species. The little penguins are most commonly found in Australia.The yellow-eyed penguin has yellow eyes and yellow plumage scattered over the head and we can see a yellow stripe over the head which joins from the eye.Many matured penguins have a black back and white front.

As all the adult penguins, the color of the chick is also recognized by the color of the tiny feathers called plumage.Im looking this up for an compare and contrast paper.

The black and white color on their body is commonly found in almost all the species of penguins. The molting season is nothing but the period in which the penguins shed their old feathers and grow the new ones. They mainly habitat the Southern Hemisphere, with only the Galapagos penguin, north of the equator. There are fifteen penguin villagers, of which three are jock, one is normal, five are lazy, one is cranky, two are snooty, one is sisterly, one is smug, and one is peppy. They are members of the order Sphenisciformes and family Spheniscidae, and the number of extant penguin species is debated, somewhere between 17 – 20 current living species in total. As Gentoo and Adelie penguins the chinstrap penguins also have a long tail. The penguins look phenomenal on the land and also in the ocean.I got interested in penguins from a young age and as I grew I realized that penguins are such fascinating birds. Not every penguin live in the cold temperature, some species also live in temperate regions.