Here’s what you need: A spell that makes your board sticky and difficult to clear is exactly what you want.You can count the things Imogen doesn't know about Overwatch on one hamster paw - our resident competitive shooter main.Struggling to find the best Hearthstone decks? It’s an extremely strong strategy, especially if you use Kael’thas Sunstrider effectively.Money can be another concern for Hearthstone decks.
HEARTHSTONE META DECKS. Don’t spend too much time waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ because the Hearthstone stars don’t align as perfectly as one might hope a lot of the time. Ever since the new Demon Hunter hero type was introduced in Ashes of Outland, along with Illidan Stormrage, it has dominated the meta.The most popular variation focuses around hero aggression. Nobody wants to shovel out a load of cash for a deck archetype that they aren’t sure of. Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. In fact, spending dust is the only reliable way to get the exact cards you want. Just keep your board big, and buff suitability.Treant Druid is a deck that has been around for a long time. But Hearthstone decks are easier to approach than you might think. It’s all about making a board which quickly becomes quite large and quite powerful through buffs. Take the chances when you still have the opportunity and these pushes will lead you to victory.Despite its super aggressive nature, there are times that perhaps you need to take a minion down before it gets too powerful, but for the most part, face is the place. Bear in mind that cards are disenchanted for half of what they cost.This deck only has common and rare cards, outside of Galakrond the Wretched, so it shouldn’t be hard to earn some packs and find the cards, or at least spend some dust on them.This deck is cheap, partly because everyone who logs in within the first 90 days of the expansion’s release gets all five Galakrond cards. They often grant packs with cards within them, or at the least some gold you can buy packs with. GALAKROND WARLOCK Updated Jul 24, 2020. And winning three games in Play mode gives you ten gold which can be spent on card packs. Give yourself a little time and practise, and you’ll be deckbuilding with the best of them.In short, hit your opponent when you can, but don’t get too greedy otherwise they may exact their revenge.Little bonuses might include adding in a Knife Juggler to this deck. Focus on playing minions who buff your hero’s attack power, use Outcast to get the cards you need, get a tonne of minions on the field quickly, and top it all off with Kayn Sunfury’s ability let all minions ignore Taunt.
He enjoys deck builders, strategy, and loves Bad North a little too much.You may wonder why there are only single cards in Highlander Hunter – that’s because Zephrys the Great’s ability requires no duplicate cards in a deck. Essentially it’s all about strength in numbers.So we’ve created a list with a few of the best Hearthstone decks, and a few cheap Hearthstone decks to get you started.