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It allows your own or selects from reference architecture, integrated and public cloud platforms.IBM cloud is a full stack cloud platform which spans public, private and hybrid environments. Prototyping Model is a software development model in which prototype is...Today's market is flooded with an array of Big Data tools. Cloud services can provide your organisation with higher processing power and sophisticated tools for mining massive amounts of data, as well as the ability to quickly scale your environment as your data grows.The cloud can be used for file storage. It is built with a robust suite of advanced and AI tools.Following factors should be considered while selecting a cloud company.If your data has peculiar security requirements, you could opt for a hybrid cloud where some data is stored with the cloud provider while some at your own premises.SolarMovie is a website that allows you to watch movies online, free without any payment. The...Download PDF 1) What are the important categories of software? Organisations pay only for the storage used and do not have to maintain the infrastructure—the cloud service provider does this.Office tools (like Microsoft Office 365) can be cloud-based, allowing you to connect to your most-used apps over the Internet. Your cloud services provider can also make recovery faster because your organisation’s assets are located over a network of physical locations rather than at one on-site data center.Here are some examples of how businesses use cloud computing:If you are developing web, mobile or gaming apps, the cloud can help you quickly create cross-platform experiences that scale as your user base grows. Many apps can be run directly from your web browser without needing to download or install special software.You are probably using cloud computing at work, too. Some of them are free and some paid. Vadim Vladimirskiy Founder & CEO, Nerdio. It helps you to manages the data center's virtual infrastructure to build private, public and hybrid implementations.Cloud computing companies services range from full applications and development platforms to servers, storage, and virtual desktops. Rather than securing budgets and spending valuable project time and resources setting up physical environments, your teams can quickly set up and dismantle test and development environments in the cloud. You can work in your document, presentation or spreadsheet software from nearly anywhere. It doesn't store any data on the hard disk of your PC. Home / Nerdio Academy / The Cloud / 10 Popular Software as a Service (SaaS) Examples 10 Popular Software as a Service (SaaS) Examples. A cloud company offerAzure is a cloud platform which is launched by Microsoft in February 2010. This ensures the availability and security of your organisation’s business-critical resources—and lets you access these tools conveniently, through the web browser.Join the BizSpark program and get free Azure servicesWith cloud computing, you can tap into your organisation’s data to analyse it for patterns and insights, make predictions, improve forecasting and make other business decisions. This section provides examples on how to implement the following: Token endpoints – Learn how to create a token endpoint in ASP.NET, Node.js and PHP. The commonality of the scenarios above is that your applications and data are stored in the cloud, not on your computer or mobile device. You do not have to worry about installing software updates—it all happens in the cloud.The cloud gives users easy, web-based access to communication and collaboration tools like email and calendaring.