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This will include some basic definitions, relevant OSHA regulations and informational resources, and steps to follow when performing lockout.Thanks for reading/writing to us.I am looking for some good services for LOTO recommendations, training and possibly audits for a new brewery in Mozambique.We hope you enjoyed and perhaps learned a bit from our LOTO safety blog post, and its listing of the six basic steps of every lockout/tagout procedure.Yes, you’ve shut down the machines, isolated them from their source of power, locked them out, and checked for hazardous stored energy. This annual audit is done to confirm all lockout/tagout procedures are adequate, Isolation 4. This could include energy of the following types:With the machine or equipment isolated from its energy source the next step of lockout/tagout is to actually lock and tag out the machine. Preparation 2. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers.At this point, it’s time to shut down the machine or equipment that will be serviced or maintained.We don’t do in-person training on lockout, though perhaps some folks in your area do, and we don’t create lockout procedures, though again perhaps some folks in your area do.

Use iAuditor to compile all accident records for proactive safety planning and accident prevention.Machines and equipment are different in multiple industries and having to maintain or repair them, however, could be potentially dangerous if not done properly and without following the recommended lock out tag out procedures. We wish you luck with those two components, and if you use our lockout training courses, we’re sure those will be a help.Please enter a valid email addressTop articles, guides, and freebies delivered straight to your inbox.Let’s look at each of these steps of LOTO safety more closely in the sections below.Every workplace should have an energy control program in place, with LOTO safety being one part of that program.
When we talk about hazardous energy, we mean any type of energy that can be released and might harm a person. Lockout/Tagout is one of the first topics that may come to mind when we think of safety procedures and OSHA regulations. Measures must be taken to disable machinery to prevent the release of hazardous energy during maintenance procedures. Lockout/Tagout can be somewhat confusing and difficult to implement.

We are here to help.Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.Join thousands of other industry professionals to receive the latest news and updates in safety right to your inbox.Lockout/Tagout is one of the first topics that may come to mind when we think of safety procedures and OSHA regulations. Check the quality and efficiency of LOTO devices being used. The Purpose of Lockout/Tagout and LOTO Safety. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers. OSHA Publication 3120, (Revised 2002).