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Find guides to this achievement here. It's hard to believe it's been over 16 years since Voodoo Vince appeared on the original Xbox. Players can employ more than 30 voodoo attacks that do outrageous things to Vince. Included + with Game Pass. There are 81 reviews 81. It’s quite a colourful game in general but apart from the HD upgrade and the main character being nicely detailed, the visuals overall aren’t anything to shout about and still look quite dated. Voodoo Vince: Remastered The classic character platformer is back after 13 years and newly remastered! Voodoo Powers: By collecting enough zombie dust, Vince has enough power to perform a voodoo power. People also like. There are also special moves you can use once your meter is filled and these are used to take out a group of enemies at once and each one consists of Vince killing himself in original, humorous ways that is mimicked to the group of enemies to take them out in a true voodoo doll style. By racing under a falling safe, jumping into a high-speed blender, or leaping under falling rubble, Vince is sure to defeat his enemies—all while managing to escape completely unscathed.Features• Voodoo combat action: Players can employ more than 30 voodoo attacks that do outrageous things to Vince, but it's the monsters who end up hurting! The lead character is a voodoo doll that has been brought to life with the use of Zombie Dust. Voodoo Vince is fun to play at times but it is severely let down by the dated mechanics and what fun there was in the gameplay, it is somewhat overshadowed by theses issues. Each power is random, but still have the same effect. You have to jump, punch and spin your way through the levels fighting ghoulish creatures and solving various types of puzzles along the way.Voodoo Vince doesn’t really offer anything original as it plays very similar to lots of other platforming titles that are currently available. Vince must master one mind-bending minigame after another to complete his quest. The double jump doesn’t always trigger when you want it to and becomes frustrating in certain areas like a section where you have to jump across a lake using moving wooden planks and barrels in a Frogger style section. There is an option to use Vince’s eye which puts it into a first person mode to look around and while I tried to use it to counter the camera issues, it only ever helped a handful of times and I stopped using it after a while. Voodoo Vince Summary : Explore and fight as a tattered but unrelenting voodoo doll as he explores a Bayou full of outrageous levels and over-the-top characters. Read our review to find out …Voodoo Vince’ gameplay is a bit of a mixed bag throughout with a few issues that I thought took some of the enjoyment away. By racing under a falling safe, jumping into a high-speed blender, or leaping under falling rubble, Vince is sure to defeat his enemies—all while managing to escape completely unscathed.Features• Voodoo combat action: Players can employ more than 30 voodoo attacks that do outrageous things to Vince, but it's the monsters who end up hurting! List of Voodoo Powers. 3.59999990463257 5. Unlike in other games, players must actually USE dangers and hazards, instead of running from them. May contain mature content.Voodoo Vince is back after 13 years with newly upgraded visuals, achievements and Xbox Play Anywhere.You’re now signed up to receive Microsoft Store emails. Each level will present you with a ‘go and get’ task that you have to do to complete the level and once you have done each level in the stage you are presented with a boss fight and each one of those boss fights are disappointing and not very satisfying to complete.The long awaited return of Voodoo Vince is finally here, originally released as an Xbox exclusive back in 2003, have the years been kind to Vince? Voodoo Vince Remastered walkthrough of this classic Xbox platformer that follows Vince while he attempts to save his boss from the clutches of some evil people that kidnapped her. Super Lucky's Tale. • Dynamic cast of characters: No adventure would be complete without its host of surly characters. When activated, Vince can obliterate an entire alley of monsters in a snap. The play style reminds me of Conker.This game needs a sequel like yesterdayBy clicking sign up, I agree that I would like to hear from Microsoft and its family of companies about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services.The classic character platformer is back for the first time in over 13 years, and now in glorious high definition! You have to jump on to ledges around each level, defeating enemies, collecting coloured spheres while solving puzzles to progress through to the next level. Maybe I expected too much from a 14 year old game being remastered but this should of been called Voodoo Vince HD rather than the ‘Remastered’ tag being used in the title. All of these aspects of the gameplay are nothing new but are generally ok and as I mentioned earlier the double jump and camera issues do spoil it somewhat with their inconsistencies. There are 79 reviews 79.