Visit multiple islands in one day on this powerboat tour from Nassau, Bahamas—a great choice for first-time visitors and nature lovers. If you’re on a Pig Island Tour then you should have an experienced guide who will show you that if you’re approached by a pig and you don’t have any food on yourself, you should raise your hands with palms open. With plenty to do, this quick guide should get you on your way and will tell you everything you need to know before visiting Pig Beach Bahamas.Every year, more and more tourists come to Staniel Cay and the myth of the island with pigs is being spread. The swimming pigs seem to understand these gestures to mean that you don’t have any food and they will leave you alone!I’ve spoken to a number of locals and Captain Dave has given me the best account that explains their existence. If you put your fingers in their mouths, internationally or not, they will take a bite! The boat tours are frequently cancelled out of Nassau if the winds are too strong because the powerboats have to cross an open stretch of water that would otherwise be too rough and dangerous to cross.I’ve visited Pig Beach now 2 years in a row. One of the stories is that Sailors brought the pigs to pig beach with the intention of eating them. The tour departs at 7:30 AM and the average cost is US$ 800 + tax for the round-trip tickets + tour.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of visitors day trip to the Bahamas to get a chance to go swimming with pigs in the Bahamas every day.
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Guests staying at Sandals Emerald Bay at Great Exuma, Bahamas can take the local Exuma Cays Ocean Safari tour from just $175pp.. The Exumas are an exotic part of the Bahamas and can be seen from the air with turquoise waters, lush vegetation, and white sandy beaches that look like pearls in the middle of the … Sie haben den Nachmittag zur freien Verfügung, um die Traumstrände, Pig Beach sowie die Wassersportmöglichkeiten und den Ort mit Duty-Free Einkaufsmöglichkeiten zu erkunden.
SO if you can I would strongly recommend you avoid coming during this peak time period.Compass Cay is located about 20 minutes by boat north of Pig Beach.
My advice is follow the guidance of your local guide and you’ll have an amazing time whilst keep all your fingers in tact!if you like our Facebook fanpage, you can read everyday such amazing stories.If you go in the middle of the day from around 11am through to 2pm it gets very busy because this it the time when all the powerboats from Nassau arrive (it takes them around 3 hours to cross the Bahamas Sea from Nassau).
It’s a 3 hour speed boat ride away from Nassau (the capital of the Bahamas and the main tourist hub), or it’s a 30 minute plane ride away. Wir raten daher zu einem Ausflug ab Great Exuma oder Stanley Cay, da die Überfahrt zu Big Major Cay von dort aus wenig Zeit in Anspruch nimmt.Generell ist die Abfolge recht ähnlich: Ihr nehmt ein Flugzeug, welches euch zu einem Bus bringt, welcher euch zu einem Boot bringt, welches euch schließlich zu den Schweinchen bringt. Zudem könnt ihr bei Problemen oder Fragen jederzeit auf uns zugehen und erhaltet somit Hilfe von einem kompetenten und deutschen Ansprechpartner. Es sind schwimmende Schweine, in wunderschöner Umgebung - näher kommt man an diese niedlichen Tiere nicht ran.
Die Insel gehört zu einem Komplex aus über 300 kleinen Inseln der Out Islands der Bahamas. Dave fondly remarks how they told their parents that the pigs were swimming and were swiftly given a beating for telling their lies! Pig Beach, der „Schweinestrand“, liegt auf der unbewohnten Insel Big Major Cay auf den Bahamas und hat seinen Namen von der Kolonie der Wildschweine, die auf der Insel leben. Visit The Exumas for the ultimate escape.
Zudem braucht ihr euch keine Sorgen um den Zustand der Tiere machen, sie werden gut versorgt und werden trotz Tourismusattraktion gut behandelt und zu nichts gezwungen.Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten auf Stanley Cay sind überschaubar, der Stanley Cay Yacht Club wäre eine Option. But one day as they approached pig beach the pigs were swimming out to him.