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They might not be the easiest to play with, but they will achieve some of the biggest blow-out wins. That’s exactly what we have done below. Level up. Mongolia needs to ride its early dominations into continued warfare success, or they may find themselves falling behind in other areas like Science and Culture output.The extra gold and culture for trades with City-States means Morocco must mantain their trade partners around, preventing them from being destroyed or captured, while the extra bonus for civs engaging in commerce with your faction gives them a reason to favour you over any other nation. If for some reason you didn’t trample the entire planet under your horde of hooves, Poland is well suited to veering towards a different win condition, so make sure to plan ahead with your free policies for a potential Plan B if needed.Brazil’s main goal should be to secure as much room as possible for Great Works while keeping themselves safe from foreign conquest. Great Prophets will continue to be born regularly after this first at a ramping cost, automatically spending Faith to birth another in the Holy City when you reach that threshold.Religion is very useful in a Cultural Victory as it boosts Tourism with other Civs if you share a Religion. A more interesting strategy is to outright buy city-states by using the Merchant of Venice great person.The Shoshone’s penchant for rapid expansion and exploration makes them good at quick starts, which you can leverage into more than one type of victory depending on the terrain. I'll cover how to get Faith and the process of Founding a Religion and spreading it through Religious Pressure. It's extra bonus when constructing Wonders in the Korean capital means that those already extremely important buildings have an extra attractiveness to Korea, and if properly pursued, can turn this nation into a major powerhouse.Byzantine gets an extra belief when founding a religion, making it extremely important that Byzantines choose a pantheon, and choose it fast. Domination victories are favored by Mongolia thanks to their strong mounted military units. A well-crafted Religion may considerably enhance your civilization's abilities, although it doesn't lead to a separate victory. You can choose one of these beliefs when founding a Religion. There can only be one World Religion at a time. You may choose one of these beliefs when founding a Religion.In the middle and late game spreading religion turns more complicated. Here's a Civ 5 Tier List with the best civilizations in Civ 5. So if you want a specific set of Beliefs that go well together, you'd best get a Shrine built early on and get to Philosophy Technology for Temples.You can find the number of remaining religions by clicking Additional Information in the top right > Religion Overview > World Religions. Civ 5 Tier List (Best Civilizations) ... is easily one of the most effective in the game, and when coupled with their ULA and a Sacred Path Religious belief, can make Brazil the ultimate culture and production powerhouse. With low maintenance costs and the ability to capture defeated ships, the Ottomans can assemble a frightening large force in a frightening short time.Babylon’s first Great Scientist allows players to build an academy quite earlier than normal, quickly jump starting the civilisation’s science output. You can only choose any of the beliefs that no other religions have.These beliefs provide additional empire-level bonuses that may help you in spreading your Religion. In order to achieve that, you need loads of great people -- especially artists -- along with buildings, districts, and wonders that can house their works (sculpture, relics, and artifacts being the most valuable). Tourism. Your end goal is always going to be using the various City States in the world to win a Diplomatic victory vote. From there, focusing on Happiness to trigger Golden Ages more often allows Brazil to kick back and watch the Great People multiply and Tourism number increase each turn. Whether you want to be a power-hose of production, or whether you want win every Golden Age, the following civ 5 leaders and civs are the best at what they do, and should be played accordingly.If Mongolia exists in your game, you can kiss goodbye making friends with any nearby City-States. However, once they reach the Medieval Era and can exploit jungles their Culture, Gold, and Science output explodes tremendously. The passive bonus to generation of new Great Scientists means Babylon can easily put up distance between themselves and less advanced civilisations, utterly dominating the technological tree. Of course, the earlier you found and enhance your Religion, the more Beliefs you'll be able to choose from. The formation of Religious Pantheons and the birth of Great Prophets are also explained, along with a detailed list of Founder, Follower, and Enhancer Beliefs that provide tips to using them, good combinations, and ideas for gameplay strategies you might try.If you want the best pick of beliefs for your Religion, it's wise to found one early for each Pantheon Belief, Founder Belief, and all other Beliefs are unique to the Civ that picks them.